Implemented by FAO, a number of activities focus on national, regional and global capacity building to adopt ecosystem-based practices in agriculture that are essential for halting the loss of biodiversity and achieving resilient societies, food security and nutrition.
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture
The programme focuses on strengthening the compliance with and enforcement of MEAs related to biodiversity and hazardous chemicals and waste and mainstreaming biodiversity and the sound management of chemicals and waste in agricultural policies and programmes. This component of the Programme supports strengthening extension services to enhance and scale-up the application of ecosystem-based practices and approaches in the field, supporting farmers to transition towards more environmentally sustainable and resilient agricultural production systems and enhancing regional collaboration and dissemination of best policies and practices across ACP countries.

Managing Chemicals and Waste
The core focus of this component is improving the management of pesticides applied in agricultural production with support countries in developing an institutional and policy environment conducive to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in agriculture. ACP MEAs 3 will also facilitate the transition to more sustainable, resilient and productive systems by promoting the application of ecologically sustainable practices and approaches, strengthening synergies and increased collaboration between the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the chemical conventions to enhance their effectiveness.