Using the three specific objectives focusing on issues of support to MEAs, ocean governance and agriculture, the ACP MEAs 3 programme supports strengthening environmental issues at both institutional and individual levels. Activities such as negotiation trainings, capacity building activities for a number of stakeholder groups such as women, youth, media and journalists, parliamentarians on issues of better management of environment, policy making and implementation for the core of actions in support of this focal area.
Strengthening Institutional Capacites
The ACP MEAs 3 Programme implements a number of activities in support of strengthening institutional capacities of various stakeholders such as development of guidelines and action plans to implement the MEAs, provide legal and regulatory frameworks in support of shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties of the international trade of species, chemicals and wastes to protect human health and agriculture, support implementation of previously agreed national strategies and action plans on issues related to better environmental management. The Programme has a special focus on raising the ‘voice’ of ACP Member States in key environmental and related multilateral fora.

Strengthening Individual Capacities
Organization of training programmes, awareness raising sessions, negotiation training for national delegations, preparation of agenda briefs on key environmental issues, exchange of experiences and expertise in support of South-South and South-North-South Cooperation from the ACP countries and other regions, targeted knowledge management programmes and mentoring programmes for youth and women for the core of ACP MEA 3 Programme activities in support of strengthening individual capacities.